Hong Kong Dependent Visa

The Hong Kong Dependent Visa is issued to dependents of those who are visiting Hong Kong for employment, education, or starting a business. A person visiting Hong Kong with a visa is allowed to bring his/her dependents provided they meet the eligibility requirements.


To get a Hong Kong Dependent Visa following are the eligibility conditions:

  • The sponsor who is either working in HK, started a business, studying full time or admitted under any of the schemes such as Quality Migrant admission scheme can bring his/her dependents to HK. Dependents refer to spouse/partner and unmarried dependent child aged below 18. A permanent resident of Hong Kong can also bring a parent aged 60 or more.
  • Genuine relationship needs to be proved.
  • The sponsor should be able to support the dependent during the stay in Hong Kong and be able to provide accommodation.
  • Applicant should have a valid travel document.
  • Applicant should not have a criminal record or a security objection.
  • There should no likelihood of the applicant being a burden to the HK state.

An application for admission of a dependent may be favorably considered if:

  • there is reasonable proof of a genuine relationship between the applicant and the sponsor;
  • there is no known record to the detriment of the applicant; and
  • the sponsor is able to support the dependent’s living at a standard well above the subsistence level and provide him/her with suitable accommodation in the HKSAR.

Getting the visa

For those are looking to apply for a Hong Kong Dependent Spouse Visa we can help by offering our services with documentation and other assistance.

For more information like application procedures, time required and documentation needed to be submitted, please email us at info@visto.hk